Depuis ses 12 ans, l’artiste costaricaine, Aire, se fascine pour la peinture et ses nombreuses possibilités de représentation. Un hobby qui s’est rapidement transformé en pratique professionnelle.
Sur ses toiles, Aire y brosse toute la beauté qui l’entoure. Une beauté subjective qu’elle interprète, qu’elle perçoit dans la simplicité du monde, de la nature, d’un corps, d’un objet.
Aire, invite le spectateur dans une bulle mystique pleine de symboles nés de son imaginaire et de son quotidien.
Et cette semaine c’est avec plaisir qu’elle nous ouvre les portes de son univers aux couleurs brillantes et joviales !
Sur ses toiles, Aire y brosse toute la beauté qui l’entoure. Une beauté subjective qu’elle interprète, qu’elle perçoit dans la simplicité du monde, de la nature, d’un corps, d’un objet.
Aire, invite le spectateur dans une bulle mystique pleine de symboles nés de son imaginaire et de son quotidien.
Et cette semaine c’est avec plaisir qu’elle nous ouvre les portes de son univers aux couleurs brillantes et joviales !

L'artiste Aire
Could you introduce yourself ?
My name is Aire, I’m an artist from Costa Rica. I grew up in a little town where I learned how to paint since I was 12 years old, surrounded by cows and nature. Since then I started taking classes with local artists and continued painting till nowadays.
I've been in a very constant practice since 7 years ago, before that painting was just my hobby. I dedicate myself first, to found my own voice and style in art. Now I’m taking a deep path on the topics of my paintings, searching for how I can represent the things that I see and feel from my experience as a human being. And also how that topic can impact any person that sees one of my work, in a positive way.

You mainly represent female figures. Who are yours models? Are they yours friends or do they come from your imagination?
It’s a mix, Usually I take photos of myself or places and people that surround me, then I use them as a reference for the idea that I want to paint. The characters and faces mainly came from my imagination, but sometimes I found beautiful persons that have something that I connect with and I use real images of someone to portrait them.
The scale of your figures are often unrealistic: the arms could be very long, the body very big instead of the head: what do you want to translate with this kind of body’s representation?
I actually think that a realistic body has that kind of “weird” proportions. I represent what I feel in my own body, sometimes I feel my legs really long and out of proportion with my torso, haha. For me playing with the body proportions and perspective, is a way to put out there other possibilities of body types.

The women’s portrait are always associated to an object or to an element of nature : cards, plates, leaves and flowers seem to be your favourites iconography. Could you explain us your link to them and their meaning ?
They are usually real objects that I surrounded myself with. I think that having them with me in “real life” and putting them on a painting, I’m able to transform that object aura. The objects that I put on my artwork have some meaning to me. For example, One plate that I have included in a few of my paintings is the only object that I possess that used to be from my great-grandmother, it's more than 100 years old.
Yours foreground are very surrealistic and pattern floors come often. Could you talk us about your personal artistic universe who feed your paintings?
My paintings are an interpretation of how I see the world. I think I’m obsessed with beauty. I try to live a life being able to see the beautiful things every place, person or moment I’m at. I see with curious eyes the world, it's so full of beauty that it's too much for me, haha. Painting allows me to "translate" in a way the beauty that I see in the simple and daily things. Painting is a portal of magic to me, that's why I do it so much.

Alrededor de la copa
What are your main inspirations?
I found inspiration while working, in the middle of hours of sketching ideas or painting freely a paper just to stimulate my creativity. Lately I have found inspiration when I’m in my parents house, my home, surrounded with nature, that fills me with creative energy. The Marsella Tarot, also is a tool that gives me a lot of creative flow. Cooking a nice meal, resting, listening to music, having those kinds of moments help me a lot, to be able to "feel inspired". Also watching other creators and artists also helps me a lot. Pierre Boncompain and Maria J Luque, are one of my favorites!
Do you have any projets?
Right now I’m in the first stage of a series of paintings inspired by the mayor arcanos of the tarot, I would love to exhibit in some place, when we're able to :). I’m painting a tarot deck also.


Mujer celeste , 70 x 70 cm

Telepathy with a fork
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